The Purpose of (EDCM)


1. The Executive Diploma in Church Management is intended for the savvy, forward-thinking Ministry Leader who wants to make a real difference in the community and the world at large.

2. The Executive Diploma in Church Management will bring a trajectory- changing perspective. The participants will see how the Business Management Principles and Leadership tools comport with Biblical guidance and how things can work with God’s blessings for His ends in any ministry.

3. Participants will be made to see how Business principles and Management tools will supercharge their ministries to reach their God- given potentials
4.To show the participants the pathways to operational excellence and maximum impact. They will see the connection between Church on Sunday and work on Monday.

5.The Executive Diploma in Church Management will place at the disposal of the participants, a tremendous array of powerful management tools - value-neutral tools that, when used properly, will take their ministries to where they have always dreamed it is to go.
6. This course is a back-to-the-New-Testament alternative for training Ministry Leaders. When Jesus sent out the twelve, He dispatched the crew with a far more sense about how things work than about Theology. Curiously, our Ministry Training today is just the opposite. We don’t take Business Leaders and teach them to preach; rather we generally take folks trained in Theology and teach them to lead.

7. The course will empower participants to make a meaningful social contribution, as most of the Management Principles are transferable to the church Ministry setting.

8. We realise that running a Ministry/Church is more difficult than running for-profit enterprises; the resources are tighter, it is often volunteer-driven, the measure of success is less obvious, and there are no well-established best practices for maximising results. However, many Church Leaders can’t find the time and finances to attend secular Business Schools and learn the principles and practices that will help them to steward with excellence. It is our fervent prayers that the LORD of Harvest will use this Executive Diploma Course in Church Management to nurture and grow the ministries that God has entrusted to them.

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